Sample Response Paragraph that could be incorporated as one of the body paragraphs of the Unit One Research Report.
This student has different sources than the ones you will be using


Chris Student

Response Paragraph #1


Works Cited

Barco, Torri. “Academic Dishonesty.” The Mother Earth News Oct./Nov. 1999: 11-2. 11 Oct. 2000 <http://firstsearch/>.

 “The Cheating Situation on University Campuses.” US News and World Report 22 Nov. 1999: 82-90.


            Teachers sometimes seem so overwhelmed with the plague of cheating that they incorrectly forego maintaining academic standards. Research indicates that more students are choosing to cheat and “academic fraud has never been easier” (Barco 11).   In response an increase in cheating, some teachers have decided to concentrate on students who want to learn and apparently take the attitude that cheaters will pay the price for their ignorance. One high school teacher blatantly stated that pursuing cheaters was a waste of his time (“Cheating ” 82). The rationale behind such thinking is that when students cheat, they do not accumulate the basic knowledge for their field. Even if these cheating students manage to get a degree, their inability to function in the work place would become the ultimate price for their cheating. However, if a college degree is to truly verify a certain knowledge level, then the price for cheating should come sooner than the professional life.  Students across the nation are choosing to cheat, and these dishonest students number in the millions (Barco 12).    Cheating should not be tolerated because this tolerance devalues a meaning of both a high school diploma and a college degree. High school and college teachers bear a great responsibility in ensuring that academic dishonesty is not rewarded with a passing grade.