Sample Response Paragraph that could be incorporated as one of the body paragraphs of the Unit One Research Report.
This student has different sources than the ones you will be using


Chris Student
Response Paragraph #2


Works Cited


Barrett, Jan. “Academic Integrity and Honor Codes.” Newsweek 15 Oct. 1996: 75-6. ArticleFirst. Firstsearch. Emory W. Morris LRC, Kellogg CC.  13 Sept. 2000 <>.

 “The Cheating Situation on University Campuses.” US News and World Report 22 Nov. 1999: 82-90.

Comp, Sean, and Dan Jones. “Issues in Academic Integrity.” Time  14 Apr. 1996:  67-71.


            Although student collaboration is considered a serious form of academic dishonesty, there are differing views on the issue that deserve clarification. While some teachers consider it a serious problem, students feel that it is perfectly acceptable to work with other students on assignments. In fact, "recent research shows that students do not view un-permitted collaboration as fundamentally dishonest" (Comp and Jones 67). Students indicate that they like working with others and recognize that it will be important in future employment endeavors to have the ability to be team players (Comp and Jones 67). Many teachers stress group work as positive and use it as a learning tool, which could be one of the reasons some students don't seem to consider unauthorized student collaboration as morally wrong. Teachers as a whole don't necessarily agree on this issue, but many find it problematic as it is difficult to track individual student achievement when students work together on assignments. Some teachers have found it necessary to specifically state what is allowed and what isn't allowed in regards to student collaboration (Barrett  76). One thing is for sure, and that is it is important for teachers and students to keep the lines of communication open. One way to do that is to explicitly provide the rules and discipline procedures located in their school handbooks so students are aware of exactly what is acceptable ("Cheating" 82). Student collaboration is one form of cheating that teachers and students do not always see eye to eye on, so teachers need to be clear about their collaboration expectations.