Sample Response Paragraph that could be incorporated as one of the body paragraphs of the Unit One Research Report.
This student has different sources than the ones you will be using


Chris Student
Response Paragraph #2


Works Cited


Barrett, Jan. “Academic Integrity and Honor Codes.” Newsweek 15 Oct. 1996: 75-6. ArticleFirst. Firstsearch. Emory W. Morris LRC, Kellogg CC. 13 Sept. 2000 <>.

 “The Cheating Situation on University Campuses.” US News and World Report 22 Nov. 1999: 82-90.

Comp, Sean, and Dan Jones. “Issues in Academic Integrity.” Time  14 Apr. 1996:  67-71.


            Students understand the difference between honesty and dishonesty when it comes to their coursework, and they need to be held accountable. Whether it's cheating off of a neighbors test answer sheet, copying their roommates homework before class or working on an essay with a best friend, each student recognizes where the helping ends and the cheating begins. Although academic dishonesty has always been an issue for educational institutions, the only form of cheating to show an enormous increase in last years has been prohibited collaboration on out-of-class assignments (Barrett 75). Students are given the benefit of the doubt as researchers search for the justification for this increase. Some say that employers put pressure on students to learn cooperation while others blame universities for encouraging students to work together in and out of the classroom (Comp and Jones 67). However, these justifications send a damaging message to students about their increasingly lazy study habits. Instead, students need to be forced to face the issue of their cheating. This is important as students are more likely to listen to each other about these issues than anyone else. After all, "campuses benefit from from academic integrity enforcement procedures" ("Cheating" 39). Schools seem to de recognizing that dishonest students need to be punished in order to be fair and to maintain the integrity of the schools' academic programs. Cheating students know they are being dishonest, and therefore they bear the responsibility for their poor choices.