1. The underlying regularities or patterns in how people behave and in their relationships with one another.

a. Social Imagination  b. Social Structure   c. Social Construction   d. Social Facts  e. Social Constraint


2. The aspects of social life that shape our actions as individuals. Durkhiem believed that [THIS/THESE] could be studied scientifically.

a. Social Imagination  b. Social Structure   c. Social Construction   d. Social Facts  e. Social Constraint


3. The concept referring to a situation in which social norms lose their hold over individual behavior. 

a. Social Forces   b. Anomie  c. Organic Solidarity   d. Capitalism  e. Rationalization 


4. The social cohesion that results from various parts of a society functioning as an integrated whole.

a. Social Forces   b. Anomie  c. Organic Solidarity   d. Capitalism  e. Rationalization 


5. A belief that Society has no “grand narrative” guiding its development.

a. Rational Choice Approach  b. Manifest Functions  c. Latent Functions  d. Ideologies  e. Postmodernism


1. The social cohesion that results from various parts of a society functioning as an integrated whole.

a. Organic Solidarity   b. Power   c. Social Forces   d. Capitalism   e. Rationalization 


2. A belief that Society has no “grand narrative” guiding its development.

a. Rationalism  b. Postmodernism   c. Latent Functions  d. Ideologies  e. Manifest Functions


3. The [events/outcomes] of a type of social activity that are KNOWN TO and INTENDED BY the individuals involved in the activity.

a. Rationalism  b. Postmodernism   c. Latent Functions  d. Ideologies  e. Manifest Functions


4. The ability of individuals of the members of a group to achieve aims and further the interests they hold.

a. Social Constraint   b. Symbol    c. Power   d. Ideologies   e. Marxism


5. A type of organization marked by a clear hierarchy of authority and the existence of written rules of procedure and staffed by full-time, salaried officials.

a. Capitalism   b. Functionalism   c. Bureaucracy   d. Ideologies   e. Feminism


1. A trial run in survey research.

a. research methods   b. hypotheses   c. experiment   d. pilot study   e. Sampling


2. A statistical measure of central tendency, or average, based on dividing a total by the number of individual cases.

a. sample  b. population   c. survey  d. median  e. mean


3. A way of calculating the spread of a group of numbers.

a. science  b. correlation coefficients   c. standard deviation  d. empirical investigation  e. survey


4. The number that appears most often in a given set of data.

a. sample   b. mode    c. measures of central tendency   d. degree dispersal   e. comparative research


5. The RANGE or distribution of a set of figures.

a. mean   b. mode   c. median   d. standard deviation   e. degree dispersal


EC1. The concept referring to a situation in which social norms lose their hold over individual behavior. 

a. Social Forces   b. Anomie  c. Organic Solidarity   d. Capitalism  e. Rationalization 


EC2. Which step of the list of properly ordered Research Method would be the MEDIAN step?


1. Ideas or [educated] guesses about a given state of affairs, put forward as a basis for empirical testing.

a. research methods   b. hypotheses   c. experiment   d. pilot study   e. survey 


2. The people who are the focus of social research.

a. sample  b. population   c. survey  d. median  e. mean


3. Factual inquiries carried out in any area of sociological study.

a. science  b. correlation coefficients   c. standard deviation  d. empirical investigation  e. survey


4. A small portion of a larger population.

a. sample   b. mode    c. measures of central tendency   d. degree dispersal   e. comparative research


5. The number that falls halfway in a range of numbers – a way of calculating the central tendency that is sometimes more useful than calculating the [average].

a. mean   b. mode   c. median   d. standard deviation   e. degree dispersal


Put the following in the correct order regarding the “Scientific Method/Research Methods”:


Making The Problem Precise


Interpreting The Results


Working Out A Design


Reviewing The Evidence


Reporting The Findings


Carrying Out The Research


Defining the Research Problem


1. A score attained on tests of symbolic or reasoning abilities.

a. IQ (Intelligence Quotient)   b. Emotional Intelligence   c. Achievement Gap   d. Hidden Agenda  e. None of these


2. The advantages that well-to-do parents usually provide their children.

a. Hidden Curriculum  b. Hidden Agenda   c. Cultural Capital   d. 401K   e. None of these


3. Ideas that are consistent with mainstream societal views…

a. Abstract Attitudes   b.  Concrete Attitudes   c. Cultural Navigators   d. Acting White Thesis  e. None of these


4. A situation in which all students take the same test under the same conditions.

a. Tracking    b. Stereotyping   c. Marginalizing   d. Acting White Thesis  e. None of these


5. The state of people who have little or no access to information technology.

a. Acting White Thesis   b. Cyberspace   c. Information Poverty  d. Bliss   e. None of these



a.       State Overload                 b. Civil Society                  c. Field of Action                             

d.      Structural Strain                                e. Collective Action                        f. Interest groups

g.    Welfare State                  h. Civil Rights                      i. Power Elite

j.     Multiple Sovereignty      k. Historicity                      l. Legitimation Crisis        m. NONE OF THESE




1._________ A political system that provides a wide range of [social assistance] benefits for its citizens.

2._________ Small networks of individuals who, according to C Wright Mills, hold concentrated power in modern societies.

3._________ [A collective of individuals that share common political goals, who seek to obtain those goals by] operating primarily [through] lobbying the members of legislative bodies.

4._________ Action undertaken in a relatively spontaneous way by a large number of people assembled together.

5._________ Tensions that produce conflicting interests within society.

6._________ A government’s legitimate use of power.

7._________ The arena within which social movements interact with established organizations, the ideas and outlook of the members of both often becoming modified as a result.

8._________ The realm of activity that lies between the state and the market, including the family, schools, community associations, and none economic institutions.
9. _________ Legal rights held by all citizens in a given national community.

10. ________ The failure of a political order to generate a sufficient level of commitment and involvement on the part of its citizens to be able to govern properly.


1. Traits of behavior or attitudes that are learned at school but not included in the formal curriculum – for example, gender differences.

a. IQ (Intelligence Quotient)   b. Emotional Intelligence   c. Achievement Gap   d. Hidden Agenda  e. None of these


2. …Ideas that are based on actual experience.

a. Hidden Curriculum  b. Hidden  c. Abstract Attitudes   d.  Concrete Attitudes   e. None of these


3. The idea that when African American students believe they are being judged not as individuals but as members of a negatively stereotyped social group they will do worse on tests.

a. Abstract Attitudes   b.  Concrete Attitudes   c. Cultural Navigators   d. Acting White Thesis  e. None of these


4. Dividing students into groups that receive different instructions on the basis of assumed similarities in ability and attainment.

a. Tracking    b. Stereotyping   c. Marginalizing   d. Acting White Thesis  e. None of these


5. Electronic networks of interaction between individuals at different computer terminals.

a. Acting White Thesis   b. Cyberspace   c. Information Capital   d. Torture   e. None of these


2 points extra credit….  What was the reason given for Tuesday’s inability to pick up the object and give it to his handler?





1.____  A form of marriage in which a person may have two or more spouses simultaneously.

2.____  A form of marriage in which a man may have two or more wives.

3.____  A form of marriage in which each married partner is allowed only one spouse at any given time.

4.____  A form of marriage in which a woman may simultaneously have two or more husbands.

5. ____ A family system in which the wife is expected to live near the husband’s parents.

6. ____ A family system in which the husband is expected to live near the wife’s parents.


1. A group of individuals related to one another by blood ties, marriage, or adoption, who form an economic unit, the adult members if which are responsible for the upbringing of children.

a. Family   b. Kinship   c. Marriage   d. Cohabitation   e. None of these


2. The families into which individuals are born.

a. Families of Procreation   b. Extended Family   c. Families of Orientation   d. Primary Socialization   e. None of these


3. The belief in romantic attachment as a basis for contracting marriage ties.

a. Affective Individualism   b. Traditionalism   c. Agricultural Necessity   d. Economic Prudence   e. None of these


4. Two people living together in a sexual relationship of some permanence without being married to one another.

a. Family    b. Step Family    c. Cohabitation   d. Free Milkin’  e. None of these


5. A group of individuals related to one another by blood ties, marriage or adoption.

a. Family   b. Kinship   c. Marriage   d. Cohabitation   e. None of these


1. Workers who possess a diversity of skills or qualifications and are therefore able to move easily from job to job.

a. Knowledge Economy   b. Automation  c. Strike   d. Union Density  e. None of these


2. A statistic that represents the number of union members as a percentage of the number of people who could potentially be union members.

a. Corporations    b. Entrepreneurs   c. Monopoly   d. Oligopoly   e. None of these


3. Organizations of work setting in which people are allowed little responsibility for, or control over, the work task.

a. Outsourcing  b. Informal Economy   c. Oligarchy   d. Flexible Production   e. None of these

4. Business corporations located in two or more countries.

a. Taylorism   b. Post-Fordism c. Low-Trust Systems   d. High-Trust Systems e. None of These


5. Unpaid work carried out in the home usually by women; domestic chores such as cooking, cleaning and shopping.

a.  Capitalism   b. Division of Labor   c. Housework  d. Informal Economy  e. None of These

1. Business firms or companies.

a. Modernization   b. Dependency  c. Market-Oriented   d. Colonial  e. None of these


2. The owner/founder of a business firm.

a. Sex    b. Gender   c. Both a and b   d. Nurture   e. None of these


3. The domination of a single firm in a given industry.

a. Ethnicity  b. Race   c. Oligarchy   d. Nationality   e. None of these

4. Business corporations located in two or more countries.

a. Stereotype   b. Bi-Sexual c. Racism   d. Prejudice e. None of These


5. Economic transactions carried on outside the sphere of orthodox paid employment.

a. Racism   b. Anti-Racism   c. Stereotyping   d. Informal Economy  e. None of These


1. Values or modes of behavior shared by all human cultures.

a. Culture  b. Universal Culture   c. Society   d. Universal Society  e. Language


2. The tendency to look at other cultures through the eyes of one’s own culture, and thereby misrepresent them.

a. Cultural Relativism  b. Ethnocentrism   c. Societal-Centrism   d. Universal-Culturalism  e. Xenophobia


3. The practice of judging a society by its own standards.

a. Cultural Relativism  b. Ethnocentrism   c. Societal-Centrism   d. Universal-Culturalism  e. Xenophobia


4. The study of the ways in which nonlinguistic phenomena can generate meaning…

a. Signifier   b. Symbol  c. linguistic Relativity Hypothesis   d. Semiotics   e. Semantics


5. The values norms and material[/materialistic] characteristic of a given group. 

a. Culture  b. Universal Culture   c. Society   d. Universal Society  e. Language


EC1. Factual inquiries carried out in any area of sociological study.

a. Science  b. Correlation Coefficients   c. Standard Deviation  d. Empirical Investigation  e. Survey


EC2. “Students sitting forward in a classroom in a manner that exudes attentiveness.” Would be which of the following?

a.  Value   b. Norm   c. Folkway   d. Instinct   e. Sociobiological Trait


1. Values or modes of behavior shared by all human cultures.

a. Culture  b. Universal Culture   c. Society   d. Universal Society  e. Language


2. A group of people who live in a particular territory, are subject to a common system of political authority, and are aware of having a distinct identity from other groups.

a. Culture  b. Universal Culture   c. Society   d. Universal Society  e. Language


3. The process of the machine production of goods.

a. Agrarian Process    b. Industrialization  c. Organic Process   d. Capitalistic Process  e. Pastoral Process 


4. [An entity] in which the governments have sovereign power within defined territorial areas, and populations are citizens who know themselves to be part of [the entity].

a. Industrialized Societies   b. Colonialism  c. Emerging Economies   d. Agrarian Societies   e. Nation-States 


5. A set of beliefs and symbols expressing identification with [one’s bound/bordered, sovereign, land].

a. Value  b. Norm  c. Colonialism  d. Nationalism  e. Imperialism


1. A stage in cognitive development where basic modes of logical thought have been mastered.

a. Formal Operational   b. Preoperational   c. Concrete Operational   d. Sensorimotor 


2. A stage in cognitive development where awareness is dominated by perception and touch.

a. Formal Operational   b. Preoperational   c. Concrete Operational   d. Sensorimotor 


3. A stage in cognitive development where the child is not yet capable of dealing with abstract concepts or hypothetical situations.

a. Formal Operational   b. Preoperational   c. Concrete Operational   d. Sensorimotor 


4. A stage in cognitive development where the child becomes capable of dealing with abstract concepts or hypothetical situations.

a. Formal Operational   b. Preoperational   c. Concrete Operational   d. Sensorimotor 


5. The social process through which children develop an awareness of social norms and values.

a. Agents of Socialization   b. Identity   c. Peer Group   d. Social Reproduction   e. Socialization


1. Human thought process involving perception, reasoning and remembering.

a. Cognition   b. Self-Consciousness   c. Social Roles   d. Identity   e. Socialization


2. Awareness of one’s distinct social identity as a person separate from others.

a. Sensorimotor Stage  b. Egocentric   c. Exocentric  d. Gender Roles  e.  Self-Consciousness


3. Socially defined expectations of an individual in a given status.

a. Social Roles   b. Social Identity    c. Self-identity   d. Mass Media   e. Anomie


4. Some of [this term] include gender, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnicity, and social class.

a. Mass Media  b. Identity   c. Cognition  d. Generalized Other  e. Social Self


5. The social process through which children develop an awareness of social norms and values.

a. Agents of Socialization   b. Anomie   c. Peer Group   d. Social Reproduction   e. Socialization



b.      Direct Democracy            b. Liberal Democracy                     c. Nationalism                  

e.      State                                     e. Nation                             f. Monarchies

g.    Participatory Democracy              h. Constitutional Monarchs         i. Citizens

j.     Sovereignty        k. Failed State                   l. Authority         m. NONE OF THESE



1._________ Systems of democracy based on parliamentary institutions, coupled to the free-market system in the area of economic production.

2._________ A political apparatus ruling over a given territorial order, whose authority is backed by law and the ability to use force.

3._________ People with a common identity that ideally includes shared culture, language and feelings of belonging.

4._________ A form of participatory democracy that allows citizens to vote directly on laws and policies.

5._________ Systems of government in which unelected kings or queens rule.

6._________ A government’s legitimate use of power.

7._________ Kings or Queens who are largely figureheads. Real power rests in the hands of other political leaders.

8._________ States in which the central government has lost authority and resorts to deadly force to retain power.
9. _________ Legal rights held by all citizens in a given national community.

10. ________ A system of democracy in which all members of a group or community participate collectively in making major decisions.



c.       State Overload                 b. Civil Society                  c. Field of Action                             

f.        Structural Strain                                e. Collective Action                        f. Interest groups

g.    Welfare State                  h. Civil Rights                      i. Power Elite

j.     Multiple Sovereignty      k. Historicity                      l. Legitimation Crisis        m. NONE OF THESE




1._________ A political system that provides a wide range of [social assistance] benefits for its citizens.

2._________ Small networks of individuals who, according to C Wright Mills, hold concentrated power in modern societies.

3._________ [A collective of individuals that share common political goals, who seek to obtain those goals by] operating primarily [through] lobbying the members of legislative bodies.

4._________ Action undertaken in a relatively spontaneous way by a large number of people assembled together.

5._________ Tensions that produce conflicting interests within society.

6._________ A government’s legitimate use of power.

7._________ The arena within which social movements interact with established organizations, the ideas and outlook of the members of both often becoming modified as a result.

8._________ The realm of activity that lies between the state and the market, including the family, schools, community associations, and none economic institutions.
9. _________ Legal rights held by all citizens in a given national community.

10. ________ The failure of a political order to generate a sufficient level of commitment and involvement on the part of its citizens to be able to govern properly.


1. The movement of people INTO one country for the purpose of settlement.

a. Immigration   b. Emigration   c. Diaspora   d. Pioneering   e. None of these

2. A term used to indicate that an increasing proportion of a society’s population is elderly.

a. Wrinkling   b. Graying   c. Ageing   d. Spotting   e. None of these


3. The combination of biological, psychological, and social processes that affect people as they grow older.

a. Wrinkling   b. Graying   c. Ageing   d. Spotting   e. None of these


4. The absence of an intimate confidant.

a. Emotional Loneliness    b. Social Loneliness   c. Social Isolation   d. Ageism   e. None of these


5. The theory that adults maintain fewer relationships when they age, but that those relationships are of a higher quality.

a. Disengagement   b. Socio-emotional Selectivity    c. Activity   d. Continuity   e. None of these


EC. (4pts – must be totally correct to receive the points) PUT THESE IN ORDER OF LEAST FEAR TO GREATEST FEAR of the Cohen and Langer study conducted questioning what individuals fear most about getting old.


A. Running out of Money    B. Losing One’s Looks   C. Losing One’s Health    D. Being Alone


1. The theory that adults’ well-being is enhanced when their activities are similar to those done earlier in life.

a. Disengagement   b. Socio-emotional Selectivity    c. Activity   d. Continuity   e. None of these

2. The various transitions and stages people experience in their lives.

a. Wrinkling   b. Graying   c. Ageing   d. Spotting   e. None of these


3. Adults aged 65 and older.

a. Old Hags   b. Elderly   c. Seniors   d. Enlightened Ones   e. None of these


4. The absence of a broader social network.

a. Emotional Loneliness    b. Social Loneliness   c. Social Isolation   d. Ageism   e. None of these

 5. Discrimination or prejudice against a person on the grounds of [how old they are].

a. Ageism   b. Elderlyism    c. Grayism   d. Sexism   e. None of these


EC. 2 points – Define the following in the terms the text uses:


If Young-Old is 65 – 74,  A). What is 75 to 84?   __________ and B). What is 85 and older? ___________



1. The process whereby individuals in the same physical setting demonstrate to one another that they are aware of each other’s presence.

a. Civil Inattention b. Unfocused Interaction   c. Regionalization  d. Ethnomethodology  e. Back Region


2. The social honor or prestige that a particular group is accorded by other members of a society.

a. Status  b. Front Region   c. Social Position   d. Roles  e. Focused Interaction


3. The expected behaviors of people occupying particular social positions.

a. Front Region  b. Roles   c. Status   d. Social Positions  e. Impression Management


4. The social identity an individual has in a given group or society.

a. Encounter   b. Roles   c. Social Position  d. Ethnomethodology e. Personal Space


5. When and where events occur.

a. None of the below

b. Both a. & c.

c. Just b.

d. None of the above

e. All of the above


1. A stage in cognitive development where the child becomes capable of dealing with abstract concepts or hypothetical situations.

a. Formal Operational   b. Preoperational   c. Concrete Operational   d. Sensorimotor e. None of these


2. People’s need to interact with others in their presence.

a. Interactional Vandalism b. Front Region   c. Back Region   d. Compulsion of Proximity e. None of These


3. The physical space individuals maintain between themselves and others.

a. Interactional Vandalism b. Front Region   c. Back Region   d. Compulsion of Proximity e. None of These


4. The process by which we act and react to those around us.

a. Agents of Socialization   b. Social Interaction   c. Personal Space d. Ethnomethodology e. None of These


5. Seemingly involuntary exclamations individuals make.

a. Encounter   b. Time Space   c. Clock Time   d. Unfocused Interaction   e. None of These


1. Groups characterized by large size and by impersonal fleeting relationships.

a. Secondary Groups   b. Social Aggregate   c. Oligarchy   d. Primary Groups   e. None of these


2. Groups toward which one feels particular loyalty and respect.

a. Reference Group   b. Primary Group   c. In-Group   d. Social Aggregate   e. None of these


3. A term… meaning that large organizations tend toward centralization of power making democracy difficult.

a. McDonaldization   b. Iron Law of Oligarchy    c. Surveillance   d. Networks  e. None of these

4. A large group of individuals with a definite set of authority relations.

a. Social Group  b. Social Category  c. Out-Group   d. Reference Group   e. None of these


5. The means by which organizations regularize activities across time and space.

a. The Flux-Capacitor   b. Timetables   c. Space-Time   d. Oligarchy   e. None of these


EC1. Give me an example of a Primary Group in your life and how they have influenced your beliefs about family.


EC2. Offer me your Self-Identity (how do you define/see yourself currently… in short, Who are you… according to you).


1. A way of punishing criminal and deviant behavior based on rituals of public disapproval rather than incarceration.

a. Censorship   b. Shaming   c. Community Policing   d. Differential Association e. None of These


2. Crimes such as “pollution, false advertising, and/or violations of health and safety regulations”.

a. Cyber-crime   b. White Collar Crime   c. Corporate Crime   d. Violent Crime   e. None of These


3. A theory that views crime as the outcome of an imbalance between impulses toward criminal activity and the [restraints] that deter it.

a. Conflict Theory  b. Anomie  c. Labeling Theory  d. Control Theory  e. None of These

4. An interpretation… that criminal behavior is learned through association with others who regularly engage in crime.

a. Differential Association  b. Primary Deviance c. Secondary Deviance   d. Sanction  e. None of These


5. Rules of conduct that specify appropriate behavior in a given range of social situations.

a. Deviance  b. Law   c. Sanction   d. Crime  e. None of These


1. A renewed emphasis on [resident] crime prevention rather than law enforcement…

a. Censorship   b. Shaming   c. Community Policing   d. Differential Association e. None of These


2. Criminal activities by means of electronic networks r involving the use of information technologies.

a. Cyber-crime   b. White Collar Crime   c. Corporate Crime   d. Violent Crime   e. None of These


3. Argument that deviance is deliberately chosen and often political.

a. Conflict Theory  b. Anomie  c. Labeling Theory  d. Control Theory  e. None of These

4. A mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected forms of behavior.

a. Differential Association  b. Primary Deviance c. Secondary Deviance   d. Sanction  e. None of These


5. Rules of behavior established by a political authority and backed by state power.

a. Deviance  b. Law   c. Sanction   d. Crime  e. None of These


EC. 1 – Which Chapter 7 term is being expressed below?

When Bob was little, he was labeled a “misfit,” “trouble-maker” or “just plain old bad-news” for always challenging the rules.  Today, “Big Bob” ignores the law and finds himself spending more time in prison than out.  So TODAY “Big Bob” is carrying out which of the following?

a. Primary Deviance    b. Secondary Deviance   c. Conflict Theory     d. Control Theory   e. Cyber-Crime


1. Review: Argument that deviance is deliberately chosen and often political.

a. Conflict Theory  b. Anomie  c. Labeling Theory  d. Control Theory  e. None of These


2. Money received from paid wages and salaries or earned from investments.

a. Wealth   b. Status   c. Class   d. Income   e. None of These


3. The social honor or prestige a particular group is accorded by other members of society.

a. Wealth   b. Status   c. Class   d. Income   e. None of These

4. Groups who suffer from negative status discrimination – they are looked down upon by most members of a society.

a. Wealth   b. Status   c. Class   d. Income   e. None of These


5. [Breaching] the minimal requirement necessary to sustain a healthy existence.

a. Absolute Poverty   b. Relative Poverty   c. Wealth   d. Income  e. None of These


REVIEW: EC. 1 – Which Chapter 7 term is being expressed below?

When Bob was little, he was labeled a “misfit,” “trouble-maker” or “just plain old bad-news” for always challenging the rules.  Today, “Big Bob” ignores the law and finds himself spending more time in prison than out.  So TODAY “Big Bob” is carrying out which of the following?

a. Primary Deviance    b. Secondary Deviance   c. Conflict Theory     d. Control Theory   e. Cyber-Crime