The goal of the group presentation is twofold: 1. To educate/inform  2. To learn through working in a group dynamic

1. Educate and Inform

Each group of students will complete a 20 to 30 minute presentation that covers one of the text chapters to be determined through the forthcoming draw.

Humor and creativity within the presentation is a MUST - dry, boring, presentations will not be tolerated.  Additional points will be garnered for making the professor laugh out loud (partial points for giggles and/or chuckles... no points for simple smiles). Let's keep it clean and avoid the "low hanging fruit." 

The presentation must offer at least three topics relevant to the chapter chosen and be in video form.  Some introduction/interaction from the group in spoken form is fine, but the majority of the presentation must be produced, and presented through the media available at the front of the class (DVD player, power point, internet/youtube).

Each member of the group MUST contribute (there is a WRITTEN indication of this contribution to the presentation - see below).

A THREE question "Presentation Quiz" must follow the presentation and be administered similar to the course "Quick Quizzes." The questions of this quiz must be content based and have come from the text chapter via the presentation.


2. Learning/Group Dynamic

From your experience working with others, EACH STUDENT will complete a ONE PAGE reflection on the process of working with/relying on their team member(s); how the determination of the topic and material was formalized; and, the role each individual played in completing the presentation - specifically indicating ones personal contribution.  Lastly, each student will include in their reflection a post analysis of how well they believe their group's presentation was received and what (if anything) might have been done differently to improve upon the process.

Grading the Presentation:

         50% (50 points) of the presentation score shall be based on the group product:
                  25 Points for proper length/material
                  15 Points for each person's contribution
                  10 Points for use of technology
                  (Bonus Points for making the instructor laugh)

         40% (40 points) of the presentation score shall be based on the individual contribution:
                  40 Points for the one page Reflection Paper (single spaced, standard font/margins)

         10% (10 points) of the presentation score shall be based on the five question Presentation Quiz:
                  5 Points for asking appropriate material/content based questions
                  5 points based on the collective score of the class in answering the quiz questions

Total: 100 Points